We believe...

That there is only one God, infinite and eternal in all His attributes.  He is one being but exists and manifests Himself in three persons:  Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit.

That the Bible is the inspired, infinite, infallible, immutable and inerrant written Word of God, in the original manuscripts.  It is the finally and fully authoritative guide for all matters of belief and practice.  No other writings, utterances or messages are equally inspired or authoritative.

That Jesus Christ was virgin born and sinless, that He is fully God and fully human, that He died for our sins in our place, that He literally rose from the dead, and that He will return again.

That all humanity needs salvation, which is provided by Christ, apart from self-effort.  

That there is one true Church, made up of those who believe in Jesus and follow Him.  Water baptism, communion, and anointing the sick with oil are ordinances we are blessed to observe. 

That the gifts and supernatural activities of the Holy Spirit are for us today, if they agree with the spirit and letter of the Word.

That women have access to ministry leadership and opportunities.

That marriage is ordained by God to be between one man and one woman.

That heaven and hell are real places of eternal and conscious existence.

In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.

Steve and Carol sell manufactured homes and do ministry activity.  They've been married since 1977 and have two grown children.

Steve was born and raised in Guinea, Africa, with parents who were in ministry.  He has a ministry degree from Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon, and has varied life experience in ministry and business.

Carol was educated at Southern Illinois University and was a vocational college instructor.  She's had a range of ministry and business experience as well.